

Even RecyClass certification for Aliplast recycled plastic.

13 November 2023

Two certifications in one


As of today, Aliplast recycled plastic has an extra (very important) guarantee. The company part of the Hera Group and among the European leaders in the industry, has achieved the two RecyClass Recycling Process and Recycling Content certifications, which can attest to the compliance of recycling processes and the exact percentage of recycled plastic contained in Aliplast's products.

A certification that looks at the evolving regulatory framework


This is an extremely important certification to allow Aliplast's customers to communicate this message externally, having a qualified and recognized certificate behind them. This aspect is starting to take on tangible importance in the policies of several European countries; for example, in Spain from January 2024 the so-called "plastic Tax" will allow the share of recycled plastic certified by EN15343 certification schemes and accredited according to EN 17065 to not be considered taxable, both requirements met by the two RecyClass certifications mentioned above.

A view of the process to certify the amount of recycled plastic in products


Thanks to Recyclass attestations, a European initiative participated by the entire European plastics industry and focused on assessing the recyclability of plastic packaging, Aliplast can now guarantee its customers the percentage of recycled content in each product leaving its plants. Specifically, the Recycling Process scheme certifies the compliance of the recycling process from the plastic waste to be recycled entering Aliplast's plants to the output secondary raw material: PET in granules or flakes, LDPE in granules, HDPE in granules or ground, PP in granules or ground.

In contrast, the Recycling Content scheme certifies the recycled content within the finished product, such as PET sheets and PE flexible films.

The tool for turning a problem into an opportunity


The ability to account for the actual recycled plastic used and to give certain evidence of the share of PCR (post-consumer recycled plastic), combined with Aliplast's know-how in co-designing green packaging by looking at market uses, allows Aliplast customers to play ahead of upcoming legislative developments, turning a possible cost tightening into an opportunity to make their products more circular and attractive to end consumers



Tassel consistent with our focus on traceability and transparency"


"The Recyclass certificates," explains Carlo Andriolo, Aliplast CEO, "are a very important milestone, offering our customers an extra competitive tool and confirming us at the European forefront in the sector. However, this is only the most recent piece of a strategy that has always put transparency and supply chain traceability at the center of our proposal. For several years we have been EuCertPlast certified, the scheme that meets the EN15343 standard on traceability, and now we have chosen to move to RecyClass certification, which adds to the traceability requirement the accreditation of the scheme according to EN 17065. We were the first, with our Reload product line, to guarantee products with a very high percentage of recycled plastic: over 85 percent for PE films and over 90 percent for PET sheets."


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