
Reload by Aliplast: the new quality brand for products with a very high percentage of post-consumer recycled material
Few companies can boast Aliplast's experience in the recovery and recycling of plastic materials. The company, based in Ospedaletto di Istrana (TV) and part of the HERA group, has over forty years of know-how, combined with modern and efficient plants. Today Aliplast takes a further step, presenting a line of products that guarantee a very high percentage of post-consumer recycled material.
Certified quality
Aliplast invests time and resources to obtain the main internationally recognized certifications. The most recent ones obtained were ISO 28000, which defines the requirements for safety in the supply chain, ISO 45000, which regulates standards of good practice for the protection of workers and Eucertplast, a standard that identifies the recycling and regeneration processes of post-consumer plastics. The aim is to ensure that products - and the processes involved in their manufacture - are in line with the highest quality standards.
Measuring ourselves in order to improve and become increasingly “green”
The search for quality goes hand in hand with a basic principle: to have the least possible impact on the environment. This is also possible thanks to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that Aliplast carries out annually on its activities. This is a holistic process of assessing the environmental loads - associated with the products and processes implemented by the company - through the identification and quantification of energy, materials used and waste released into the environment. This methodology involves identifying and evaluating the various options that can be implemented to bring about concrete environmental improvements.

Today, the company takes a further step and creates the "Reload" brand that identifies product families with a very high percentage of recycled material. The value of the Reload brand is tangible: in the case of films the percentage of recycled material is over 85%, while in the case of PET sheets this value rises to over 90%. Reload represents an advantage not only from the point of view of sustainability: the use of products with a high percentage of recycled content represents a saving in terms of taxes, since it makes it possible to reduce the costs of taxes aimed at discouraging the use of virgin plastic.
Reload is therefore a further seal on the quality of Aliplast products, which remains at the top of the market not only for the volumes of recycled material, but also for the quality of its processes and products.