Aliplast Press Reviews

ALIPLAST ed HASI: Il binomio vincente per il riutilizzo dei rifiuti industriali nel food&beverage
19 November 2021
HASI (Herambiente Servizi Industriali), primo operatore italiano nella gestione dei rifiuti industriali, e Aliplast, azienda leader nel recupero e riciclaggio della plastica, sono parte del Gruppo Herambiente. Le due società operano sinergicamente a servizio di clienti appartenenti a diversi settori produttivi. La collaborazione riguarda la gestione di progetti finalizzati a ridurre gli sprechi e valorizzare i rifiuti, offrendo un pacchetto di servizi unico e completo. Tra le realtà seguite da Aliplast e HASI c’è Granarolo, gruppo di primaria importanza nel settore lattiero–caseario, che si affida loro per la gestione dei propri rifiuti industriali.
ALIPLAST and HASI, the winning combination
19 November 2021
HASI (Herambiente Servizi Industriali), the leading Italian company in industrial waste management, and Aliplast, a leader in plastic recovery and recycling, are both part of Gruppo Herambiente. The two companies work together to serve clients in different industries. Their partnership focuses on the management of projects aimed at reducing and recovering waste, offering a unique end-to-end service bundle. Among the businesses served by Aliplast and Hasi is Granarolo, an extremely prominent group in the dairy industry, that relies on them for their industrial waste management.
Aliplast and HASI, winning combination for reuse of food and beverage industrial waste
18 November 2021
Gruppo Herambiente includes HASI (Herambiente Servizi Industriali), the top Italian company in industrial waste management, and Aliplast, a leader in plastic recovery and recycling. The two organizations collaborate to provide services to clients in various industries. Their collaboration focuses on project management for trash reduction and recovery, providing a one-of-a-kind end-to-end service package.
ALIPLAST and HASI: The winning combination for the reuse of industrial waste in food & beverage packaging
13 November 2021
HASI (Herambiente Servizi Industriali), the leading Italian company in industrial waste management, and Aliplast, a leader in plastic recovery and recycling, are both part of Gruppo Herambiente. The two companies work together to serve clients in different industries.
Recycle and regeneration of plastic waste
26 April 2021
Aliplast, a Hera Group company specialising in the production of plastic materials, and Panariagroup, a leading ceramic tile producer, have launched a virtuous partnership. The two companies have for some time been working together on a project to recover and regenerate waste plastic film (low density PE) used by the ceramic tile manufacturer for product packaging.
Aliplast film waste recycling initiative yields success
24 February 2021
A plastics film waste recycling initiative between Aliplast and ceramics maker Panariagroup has resulted in an almost 95 per cent recovery rate. The initiative – where Aliplast collects LDPE shrink film used to wrap pallets at Panariagroup before recycling it into packaging film – saves more than 450 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, the companies claimed.
A virtuous circle for the recovery of plastic waste in the ceramic industry
24 February 2021
The partnership between Aliplast, a company of the Hera Group specialising in the production of plastic materials and Panariagroup, a leading company in the ceramic sector is a very strong one. Some time ago the two companies established a project for the recovery and regeneration of plastic film waste, developed by Aliplast in a circular logic, that not only ensures economic benefits but also helps to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the supply chain.
Recovery of Plastic Waste in Ceramic Industry: Aliplast and Panariagroup
24 February 2021
The partnership between Aliplast, a company of the Hera Group specialising in the production of plastic materials and Panariagroup, a leading company in the ceramic sector is a very strong one. Some time ago the two companies established a project for the recovery and regeneration of plastic film waste, developed by Aliplast in a circular logic, that not only ensures economic benefits but also helps to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the supply chain.