News Aliplast

Aliplast at the European three-day plastics recyclers' event
04 December 2020
From 9 to 12 December Aliplast will participate in the virtual edition of PRSE (Plastics Recycling Show Europe).
Hera best multi-utility in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
15 November 2020
Inclusion in one of the world’s most important stock market indices dedicated to evaluating social responsibility, as the leader of its own sector, comes as recognition for the Group’s attention towards sustainability and creating shared value for all stakeholders, pursued since its establishment
Eucertplast certification: a double award for the quality of Aliplast processes
23 September 2020
In August, Aliplast obtained Eucertplast certification, a guarantee of the recycling and regeneration process of post-consumer plastic materials. Recognized in Europe, Eucertplast has a double value for Aliplast, which with its activities covers both the recycling and transformation phases, thus being able to offer a concrete added value to its business partners. The company also boasts a portfolio of certifications covering other areas, including food safety and environmental impact assessment throughout the life cycle of a product.
Closed-Loop: the Aliplast “recipe” for reusing plastic packaging
22 July 2020
A circular system that allows for the introduction of plastic materials in the recycling cycle, reducing costs and impact on the environment. Its name is “Closed Loop” and it has been developed by Aliplast, a Gruppo Hera company and European leader in the production of flexible PE films, PET sheets and regenerated polymers. The Closed-Loop system can be leveraged by most production companies in industries such as packaging (for food and beverage), ceramics and automotive
The event will be an opportunity to discuss the culture of sustainability and the circular economy in the packaging sector.
12 February 2020
Meeting on 21 February with two dedicated speeches: one by Aliplast CEO Carlo Ariolo and the second by Herambiente General Manager Gianluca Valentini.
readThe PARI system
29 January 2020
Together with Herambiente, so that every waste becomes a resource.